Webhosting1st is offering reliable and cheap VPS, prices are starting at just $6/Mo, for more details please check our plans.

Something to keep in mind: Any operations made with a Linux-based VPS are done using command line only; there are no graphics elements as in Windows.

You have bought your first Linux-based VPS, so now the question is what to do next? First of all, you should get an activation email containing authorization details for your VPS. The most important details are:

1. IP of your VPS
2. Root password

You should be able to connect to your VPS with these details, but how can you do it? It depends on the operating system that you are using.


If you are using any version of Windows, then you will need to download and install a program called Putty, which can be downloaded from HERE. Download it, install and run it. It should look like this:

Now, in ‘Host Name’ paste in your VPS IP, which you will have received in the activation email. Leave ‘22’ in the port field, ‘SSH’ in Connection type, and click Open. If you receive any Security Alert, just press ‘Yes’. In new window that opens up, you will see the following:

login as:



and press enter. You will be asked to type your root password, You can do it manually, by either typing it on your keyboard OR by copying and pasting it. To copy the password simply use ctrl+C, and to paste it into the Putty window, you will have to RIGHT CLICK with your mouse. Notice that you will NOT see anything while typing in or pasting your password. Now Press ENTER, after that You should be logged in to Your VPS.


If You are using a Linux-based system like Ubuntu, simply go to the terminal, which should look like this:

Now, type in the login command:

ssh -l root YOUR_VPS_IP


for example:

ssh -l root

You should be now asked for your password:

root@'s password:

You will have to enter your root password, You can do this manually, by typing it on your keyboard OR by pasting it. Please keep in mind that to paste anything into the terminal you must use the ctrl+shift+V combination. You will have to copy it from your activation email with ctrl+C, and then paste it into the terminal with ctrl+shift+V.

Notice that you will NOT see anything while typing in or pasting your password – this is normal. Now Press ‘ENTER’, after that you should be logged in to your VPS.